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Herbalism allows you to find and harvest herbs from particular resource nodes scattered around the world using [Herb Gathering]. It is a primary profession. While a very small number of herbs are sometimes used for other trade skills, the vast majority are used for Alchemy and Inscription. Starting with the TBC Burning Crusade expansion, mobs will appear in-game that can be harvested.

See harvestable mobs for a list.

Herbalism pointers:

Pointer herb on 32x32.png in range of gatherable herb
Pointer herb off 32x32.png out of range of gatherable herb

For other articles related to Herbalism, see the Herbalism category.


Herbalism proficiency refers to a character’s training in Herbalism. The table below summarizes what level and skill required to advance to each proficiency.

Способность Уровень Уровень навыка
Ученик 5 1 - 75
Подмастерье 10 50 - 150
Умелец 20 125 - 225
Искусник 35 200 - 300
Мастер 50 275 - 375 TBC
Великий мастер 65 350 - 450 WotLK
Прославленный мастер 75 425 - 525 Cata
Дзен-мастер 80 500 - 600 MoP

Великий мастер доступен только после покупки дополнения Wrath of the Lich King.

Прославленный мастер доступен только после покупки дополнения Cataclysm.

Дзен-мастер доступен только после покупки дополнения Mists of Pandaria.


As herbalism is a gathering profession like Skinning and Mining, it can potentially be useful to any class who intends to use it as a source of income by selling the herbs they gather. However, it is of particular interest to any alchemist, since herbalism gives you a good supply of ingredients for your potions. While the majority of the herbs you will find are used by alchemists to create various potions, some will have other uses as well. Scribes with the inscription skill will also use most type of herbs as ingredients for pigments, which are used to make glyphs.


Required Tools

Unlike skinning and mining, no special tools are required to gather herbs, although to collect the high-level herb bloodvine, a Blood Scythe must be in the herbalist's inventory.

Find Herbs

Find Herbs is a skill gained when learning Apprentice Herbalism. While active it highlights unharvested herb resources in the immediate area on the mini-map. In addition a number of other resources (those that may be considered plants) will also be highlighted. Find Herbs is a detecting ability, and as such cannot be active at the same time as other abilities such as Find Minerals or other tracking abilities.


An Herb Bag is a special type of bag that goes into one of your four bag slots (or a bank bag slot). It can carry only herbs (as well as a handful of other related items), but is usually much larger than the average inventory bag that you would normally have at that level. A 12-slot herb bag, [Herb Pouch], can be purchased from certain herbalism supply vendors, while the larger varieties (20- and 24-slot; [Cenarion Herb Bag] and [Satchel of Cenarius]) must be made by a tailor with Cenarion Circle rep; they can be found in the Auction House, too. There is now a 32-slot herbalism bag also available, [Emerald Bag], but the tailor must be revered with the Kalu'ak to buy the recipe [Pattern: Emerald Bag] and have 435 tailoring. Cata Cataclysm added a 36-slot bag, [Hyjal Expedition Bag], which can be created by a tailor with a tailoring skill of 490 (taught by tailoring trainers). Also starting with Cata Cataclysm for some reason, a 20-slot bag, ["Carriage - Going Green" Herb Tote Bag] is available for 28з from Альянс Dawn Radue <Bag Merchant> in Stormwind City, but there is no ООрда Horde equivalent.

Skill Bonuses


Mousing over and inspecting the tooltip for any herb in the game world will allow you to determine whether or not you can harvest it. The "Requires Herbalism" text will be color coded as follows:

  • Red: Skill insufficient.
  • Orange: 100% chance of increasing skill level. (in past possible "Failed attempt")
  • Yellow: 100% chance of increasing skill level.
  • Green: <50% chance of increasing skill level.
  • Gray: Never increases skill level.

You must therefore level through the zones sequentially to level herbalism. However, once you are 60, it is very easy to level herbalism from 1-300 due to the fact that you can move quickly between zones.

At skill levels 75(50+), 150(125+), 225(200+), and 300 you have to visit Herbalism trainers in order to increase your skill further.

It is recommended that you purchase the Herbalist's Gloves with the +5 Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism, giving a total +10 herbalism bonus. This will double if not triple the speed you level on herbs, reducing the time to skill 1-375 significantly, as "orange" and "yellow" herbs will stay so 10 skill points longer, giving a much broader spectrum of herbs you can loot and level on.


Only one quest is known that requires Herbalism to complete.

Harvestable herbs

See: herb for a complete listing of herbs you can gather, as well as their skill requirements.

Herbalism in Outland

TBC Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для The Burning Crusade.

With World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, several changes have been made to the herbalism profession in the expansion zone: Outland. Herbalism is the primary gathering trade skill employed by Alchemy to make potions, elixirs and flasks. Skill level 301-375, Master, can be learned at the Herbalism trainer, Rorelien, who can be found in the ground floor room of the tower in Honor Hold, or, for the Horde, Ruak Stronghorn, found in the north-west tower in Thrallmar, on the bottom floor underneath the stairs. You need to have a skill of 275 or higher to learn this. There is no apparent level requirement. With the expansion pack, the following changes have occurred to make herbalism a much more rewarding gathering skill:

  • Outland offers a wide array of monsters that can be skinned for herbs after the target has been killed and all loot has been taken. Several types of herbs as well as Vendor Trash can be "herb-skinned" off a kill. Several areas in Zangarmarsh offer monsters that can be "herb-skinned" for herbs such as Ancient Lichen, Terocone, and Felweed. In addition to herbs that can be farmed off of these creatures, motes can also be found. Motes are an integral part of crafting professions in the expansion. Note that "herb-skinning" monsters requires herbalism skill equal to five times the monster's level, like skinning does, but will not cause a player to gain skill.[источник?]
  • Outland also offers herbalist a slight opportunity to find items of significant value when gathering a herb. Green quality items have been discovered, but this seldom occurs.
  • One time use items can be picked up when collecting a herb. These items can also be picked up off of skinning a monster in Outland. These items may be eaten to receive a stat bonus for a short period of time. Herbs can yield an item that will absorb damage for a period of time.
  • Merely collecting certain types of herbs in Outland may yield a particular stat bonus for a short period of time. For example, Dreaming Glory gives a buff that regenerates a small amount of health over time.

Abilities Gained

Sufficiently skilled herbalists gain the Lifeblood ability.


Roleplaying Resource

A Medicinal Guide to Azerothian and Outland Herbs lists harvestable herbs and their real-world medicinal equivalents or approximations. A resource for role-players who want to use herbs for more than just alchemy. Now you too can be an Apothecary (a doctor-like profession that specializes in herbs).


Patch changes

Cata Обновление 4.0.3 (16-11-2010): Gathering herbs will give XP.[1] The higher level the character is, the less XP it will get. See Formulas:Gather XP.

External links

For leveling guides please visit Tradeskill leveling guides