Изумрудный Сон

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Нейтральная Изумрудный Сон
СтолицаОко Изеры
РасыЗеленый драконЗеленый драконЗеленый драконЗеленый драконЗеленый дракон Зеленый дракон
IconSmall Cenarius.gifIconSmall Aviana.gifIconSmall Raptor.gif Дикие Боги
Дети КенарияДети Кенария Дети Кенария
Ночной эльфНочной эльф Ночной эльф
ТауренТаурен Таурен
ТролльТролль Тролль джунглей
ВоргенВорген Ворген
ПравителиIconSmall YseraDragon.gif Изера

Изумрудный Сон(также известный как Сон Создателя,[1] или просто Сон[2]) - огромный и изменчивый мир духов, существующий за пределами физического мира. Это зеленое царство Дракона-Аспекта Изеры, также известное под названиями Сон Творения или Зеленый Сон. Изумрудный Сон показывает, каким бы был Азерот, если бы разумные расы своими действиями не изменили его поверхность.

Nature of the Dream

The Emerald Dream is a vast and ever-shifting dimension of spirits and nature magic that defies mortal perceptions of reality. Time and distance hold no meaning in this intangible realm, and a day on the physical world and feel like decades in the Dream.[3]

The Dream's Purpose

The Dream is under the protection of the green Dragon Aspect, Ysera. After the titans had shaped Azeroth, they sent Ysera into an eternal trance and charged her with watching over all of Azeroth from the Dream. As a result, green dragons guard every portal into the Dream, and they always see both the landscape of Azeroth and the corresponding dreamscape. This enchanted vision, known as dreamsight, allows green dragons to perceive their surroundings with perfect clarity despite the dragons' closed eyes.

Unlike Azeroth, the Emerald Dream is a realm that is primarily spiritual instead of physical. All who enter the Dream can affect it to a minor extent, but only temporarily: the underlying structure of the Dream inevitably reasserts itself. Even Ysera cannot change the Dream permanently, nor, indeed, would she wish to do so. She does not control the Dream; on the contrary, it is closer to the truth to say that the Dream controls her. Using the Dream as her unfaltering guide, she regulates the ebb and flow of nature and the evolutionary path of the world itself.


Каждый, кто попадает в Изумрудный Сон, может повлиять на него, но лишь в незначительной степени и на небольшой временной промежуток. Никто, кроме титанов, не может изменить Изумрудный Сон навсегда. Даже сама Изера не способна контролировать или изменять Сон с его особенной экологией и всем разнообразием обитателей, как разумных, так и нет.

Внутри Изумрудного Сна отсутствует течение времени, что и позволяет зеленым драконам, которые проводят большую часть времени внутри него, быть чрезвычайно долвечными. Супруги Изеры, практически никогда не покидающие Сон, действительно бессмертны, как и все остальные его постоянные обитатели.

Характеристика Сна

Тот, кто сможет попасть в Изумрудный Сон, увидит истинный внешний облик Азерота, каким он был до всех изменений, в которых замешаны разумные расы, например, люди или ночные эльфы. Никаких вырубленных лесов или сельскохозяйственных равнин, ни одного города или искусственного водоёма. Мир, представленный в образе зеленого идеального рая. Тихие леса растянулись до горизонта по всем направлениям, а холмы и величественные горы подражают рельефу Азерота до всех катаклизмов.

По сути, Азерот и Изумрудный Сон полностью идентичны друг другу, если бы смертные не вмешивались в его историю. В одном и том же месте обоих миров можно увидеть абсолютно одинаковые горы, но на месте, где в Азероте располагается столица людей, в Изумрудном Сне раскинулись пышные луга.

Основным различием географии двух миров является то, что Великий Раскол, произошедший десять тысяч лет назад, не затронул Изумрудный Сон - здесь по-прежнему всего один материк, огромный Калимдор, покрытый зелеными лесами, вместо четырех его крупных осколков, составляющих Азерот сегодня.


Частью Изумрудного Сна являются и множество уровней, который были описаны Кенарием как различные испытательные версии Азерота[4]. Уровни были созданы, пока титаны совершенствовали облик нового мира, таким образом, Азерот стал результатом долгого труда, в процессе которого творцы избавились от множества недостатков его облика, пытаясь достичь идеала.

Каждый уровень представляет из себя идею, которую титаны пытались претворить в жизнь, но отказались заканчивать по какой-либо причине. Малфурион говорил, что некоторые уровни не похожи ни на реальный мир, ни на Изумрудный сон - например, у одного горного пика отсутствует северная сторона, а второй выглядит так, будто кто-то начал лепить его из глины, но потерял интерес.

Обычно уровни необитаемы, невидимы и небольшого размера относительно всего Изумрудного Сна, но любой, кто научится управлять ими, сможет получить к ним доступ.




После победы над Древними Богами хранители, сотворенные Пантеоном, принялись за упорядочивание Азерота. Фрейя, которая получила от титана Эонар власть над флорой и фауной, должна была наполнить планету органической жизнью. Чтобы сделать это, Фрейя создала Изумрудный Сон[3] – обширное и изменчивое измерение, наполненное духами и магией природы. Этот призрачный мир служил зеркальным отображением Азерота и помогал управлять эволюционными путями растений и животных. Фрейя хотела, что Сон был образцом первозданной природы, неподвластной злым силами и пришельцам извне.

Сперва хранительница создала одно огромное древо, которое росло на высокой горе среди Изумрудного Сна. На нём распускалось множество разнообразных цветов и зрели различные плоды. Волнами от него расходилась жизненная энергия, наполняя всё вокруг. В других уголках Сна Фрейя сотворила и другие источник жизни, но это древо, названное Г'ханир, было самым первым, самым большим и самым лучезарным. Долгие тысячелетия его исцеляющая, несущая гармонию силу проникала из Сна в материальный мир.

Множество духов и загадочных существ поселились внутри Сна и радовались, что этот удивительный рай стал их домом. Сон отвергал восприятие реальности, характерное для смертных народов: время и расстояние не имели значения здесь. День, проведенный в материальном мире, мог продлиться десятилетия внутри Сна.

Из анклавов природы, созданных хранительницей на Азероте, появились огромные и бессмертные звери, которых назвали Дикими Богами. Фрейя обожала этих величественных созданий и бродила по миру вместе с ними. Дикие Боги чаще всего посещали гору Хиджал. Именно на её склонах Фрейя связала души своим любимцев с Изумрудным Сном, и они стали символизировать здоровье и жизнестойкость Азерота. Красота призрачного мира заворожила некоторых из Диких Богов, которые могли проводить внутри Сна тысячи лет.

Кое-кто верит, что Фрейя действительно сплела Изумрудный Сон из ничего. Но есть слухи, согласно которым это удивительное место всегда существовало в той или иной форме, будучи истинным сном титана, который спал в глубинах Азерота. Говорят, что Фрейя смогла проникнуть туда и превратила это неосязаемое место в Изумрудный Сон, чтобы найти способ общаться с не рожденным титаном.[7]


During the War of the Ancients, the druid Malfurion Stormrage made use of the Emerald Dream to enter into the palace of Queen Azshara and thwart the plans of Lord Xavius.[10] After the War of the Ancients, three of the Dragon Aspects grew a World Tree, Nordrassil, atop the new Well of Eternity, and Ysera linked Nordrassil to the Emerald Dream. Her action was primarily meant to prevent abuse of the Well and to keep the Well's powers from growing. The tempering energies of the Dream act as a calming influence on the Well's chaotic energies. Secondarily, Nordrassil's connection to the Emerald Dream allowed the druids of Azeroth to travel easily to the Dream.

Since that time, all druids have periodically hibernated while their spirits wandered the dreamways. This hibernation is not some sort of physical requirement for druids, though; rather, the hibernation was a communion with the Emerald Dream. The druids were learning more about the natural world through the Dream. There was always something new for the druids to learn, even in the smallest blade of grass.

During the Third War, the druids empowered Nordrassil with the night elves' immortality and the energies of countless night elf spirits. Nordrassil then gave off a blast of energy that killed the demon lord Archimonde, ending the war and sealing the Burning Legion's defeat on Azeroth. Although Nordrassil was not killed in the process, the night elves' noble sacrifice left them mortal and cost the druids their easily accessible link to the Emerald Dream. Thus, reaching the Dream has become a significantly more difficult prospect, and fewer druids are able to walk the Dream today.


Certain that the night elves' immortality could be restored, Archdruid Fandral Staghelm proposed growing a replacement World Tree, though the dragons showed no sign of offering their assistance in the process. Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage flatly refused; he argued that without the blessing of the dragonflights, the tree would be an abomination. When Malfurion fell into a mysterious coma, Fandral became the new leader of the druids. His first act was to persuade the rest of the Cenarion Circle to grow the World Tree, which they named Teldrassil. Teldrassil is not linked to the Dream or to the Well of Eternity. Contrary to Fandral's hopes, the new World Tree has not restored the night elves' immortality.

В World of Warcraft

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Currently, there are no entrances in World of Warcraft that lead to the Emerald Dream. Thus, it is impossible for players to enter it. A few exceptions will allow players to access it temporarily, but the areas visited are merely phased versions of places already found in Azeroth, and not actual areas found within the Dream. While it is still inaccessible, several players have either requested or suggested an "Emerald Dream Expansion" based on the lore so far (see Speculation).


Most references to the Emerald Dream in the original version of the game occur in Moonglade, which is the haven for the druids on Azeroth. The references occurs in quests which involves Keeper Remulos, a Keeper of the grove and the ruler of Moonglade. Likewise, much of the Nightmare's influence upon the Emerald Dream involves the green dragonflight, the protectors of the Emerald Dream under the jurisdiction of Ysera.

One of the earliest mentions of the green dragonflight's corruption - and thus the Nightmare's influence - was the dragon Eranikus within the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, a lvl 45-50 dungeon. The dragon, along with an army of lesser green dragons, had been dispatched by Ysera to take care of the trolls within the temple in the Swamp of Sorrows. There, the trolls attempted to summon Hakkar the Soulflayer, a powerful Old Gods-like being. The temple was smashed to bits by the dragons, but they ultimately fell to Hakkar's corruption themselves. The Shade of Eranikus is now the final boss within the dungeon.

A similar result of the Nightmare's corruption can be found in the Wailing Caverns where several druids have gone into madness. One of them, Naralex, was planning to use the cave to return Barrens to its once lush state, by connecting to the Dream. He was however captured by the Nightmare, and its presence corrupted the creatures within the cave.

A portal leading to the Emerald Dream.

In patch 1.8.0, the Dragons of Nightmare were also added to the game. These dragons were once the lieutenants of Ysera, protecting the Emerald Dream from evil and whatnot. They have, however, also been corrupted by the Nightmare, twisting their powers and turning the dragons into what they once fought. There were four of them, each having emerged from one of the four portals connecting Azeroth to the Emerald Dream. They were found in Duskwood (Twilight Grove), the Hinterlands (Seradane), Feralas (Dream Bough), and Ashenvale (Bough Shadow). Although the portals are inactive, the dragons could be fought and killed, all of them being outdoor raid-bosses. The Dragons of Nightmare were later removed in Cataclysm (see below).

Each of the Dragons of Nightmare also dropped a Nightmare Engulfed Object, which came from the Emerald Dream. This item gave a quest which requested the player to hand it in to Keeper Remulos. Purifying the object revealed that it was actually the ring of Malfurion Stormrage, who was fighting the Nightmare inside the dream. The brief dialogue with Malfurion, who was communicating with Keeper Remulos, implied that the Nightmare did not only corrupt the Emerald Dream, but also sought to invade Azeroth.

The story behind the Nightmare's corruption of the Emerald Dream was further fueled by the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain, added in patch 1.9.0. Requesting the player to craft The Scepter of the Shifting Sands in order to open the raid-dungeons Ahn'Qiraj, the player would seek out the red, blue and green dragonflights to acquire the shards the scepter was made of. The Green Scepter Shard focuses on the green dragonflight, combining the fate of Eranikus in the Sunken Temple with the one of the Dragons of Nightmare.

It was revealed that Eranikus held the Green Scepter Shard, but would not give it up while under control of the Nightmare. Malfurion Stormrage, again communicating from the dream, sent the player to Keeper Remulos which told that Eranikus had to be summoned and defeated in Moonglade in order to be freed from the Nightmare. To summon him, Keeper Remulos required fragments of the Nightmare's corruption. Three of these fragments dropped from random lesser green dragons which were also found at the Dragons of Nightmare's locations. The fourth one dropped from a satyr which preached the Nightmare's power. When Eranikus, having become Tyrant of the Dream, was summoned, he declared that he would destroy both Moonglade and Malfurion. Holding Eranikus back, Tyrande Whisperwind eventually arrived and cleansed the dragon with the power of Elune. Redeemed and freed from the Nightmare's grasp, Eranikus handed over the shard and returned to the Emerald Dream to fight the Nightmare.

The Burning Crusade

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The Шаблон:Questchain quest chain describes how the Emerald Dream is under assault from outside forces as well, lead by an ancient arakkoa spirit called Anzu. One of the missions in the quest chain is waking up and protecting Clintar Dreamwalker which is sleeping in the Stormrage Barrow Dens in Moonglade. Several bizarre plants which likely originate from the Dream can be found here. Phantasmal Lashers which are suppressed by Cenarion Dreamwardens are also seeping out from the Dream.

One of the Emerald Dream's two in-game appearance so far.

Wrath of the Lich King

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So far, the Emerald Dream can only be visited twice:

Ярость Бури

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During the events of the War Against the Nightmare, the Emerald Nightmare was almost able to take hold of the whole Emerald Dream and Azeroth at the same time. However, the Nightmare Lord was eventually defeated with the help of a coalition of races, stopping the crisis.

Despite Xavius' defeat at the hands of Malfurion Stormrage and his allies, the Nightmare was not entirely destroyed following its master's defeat. One small part stubbornly stayed in the Rift of Aln, and Malfurion could only seal off the vicinity around the rift until a time that another war would be in their favor.[11]


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The story around the Emerald Dream was continued in Cataclysm, at a greater degree than in the two past expansions. Much of it is connected to the novel Stormrage, in which the plot happens after Wrath of the Lich King. The novel reveals that the corruption in the Emerald Dream is caused by the former highborne and later satyr Xavius, who takes the form of a twisted tree. Upon his defeat, Malfurion senses that the true force between the corruption, and Xavius' master, is nothing less but another Old God. This being reaches into the Dream through the Rift of Aln, from somewhere in Azeroth's deep ocean. The Emerald Dream-events in Cataclysm appear to be a continuation of this story.

It turns out that the Old God N'Zoth is responsible for the Emerald Nightmare. As Deathwing, Cho'gall, and the naga in the Cataclysm zones The Lost Isles and Vashj'ir all serve the Old Gods, it is possible that N'Zoth will be a future encounter in World of Warcraft. This might likely take place in Vashj'ir, as the novel hinted how the Old God was located in the sea. N'Zoth's former servant Xavius has left a remnant in Teldrassil called Bough of Corruption, giving the corruption there a face.

Becoming a new zone in Cataclysm, Hyjal features several events related to the Dream. With most of the threat in the Dream defeated in the novel, Ysera has entered Azeroth to continue her fight there. She can be found in the game at Nordrassil where she has taken humanoid form. She asks the player to aid several ancients who are returning to Azeroth from the Dream. These ancients returning are Aessina, Aviana, Cenarius, Goldrinn, Tortolla and eventually Malorne. It is also revealed that Fandral Staghelm, who in the novel became insane due to the Nightmare's corruption, was afterwards moved to the Barrow Dens in Hyjal. As the Twilight's Hammer seeks to capture him, the green dragon Alysra asks the player to smuggle him out to her in the quest Quest:Through the Dream. To avoid the cultists, the player and Fandral escapes the Dens through the Emerald Dream, encountering creatures called Nightmare Terrors. Fandral did still join forces with the Twilight's Hammer, though as an ally instead of a prisoner. Seemingly having regained his sanity (and replaced it with a desire for vengeance), he is now the leader of the Druids of the Flame.

The Nightmare Dragons were also affected by the Cataclysm. While Emeriss and Lethon were killed in the novel, it did not mention anything about Ysondre nor Taerar. In the game it turns out Ysondre has escaped the corruption and asks the player in the quest Quest:Taerar's Fall to aid her slay Taerar, who is still corrupted. The fight takes place in Feralas, but on the border to Thousand Needles. The dragonspawn in the Dream Bough have had their levels reduced, and are no longer elite. The dragonspawn in Shadow Bough have also had their levels lowered, and are also no longer elite, possibly due to the nearby Azshara becoming a low-level area for goblins. The Twilight Grove has become a night elf archaeology dig site, and Seradane has been abandoned.

Naralex, finally having regained from the Nightmare while sleeping in the Wailing Caverns, have used his powers to bring life back to the dusty plains outside the caverns. The area is however suffering from the Emerald Nightmare which is seeping out from the dream.

Dawn of the Aspects

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During a meeting of the Wyrmrest Accord, Merithra notes that the Nightmare is stirring within the Rift of Aln and seems to be seeking a new Nightmare Lord to replace Xavius. However, Ysera says it is now the duty of the Druids to watch over the Emerald Dream as she has become mortal following the Hour of Twilight.[12]


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The Emerald Dream is entered by the adventurers in order to defeat Xavius, who has been resurrected and re-allied with the Burning Legion. The Emerald Nightmare has returned in full force and corrupted much of the Dream once again.

Druids of the Cenarion Circle gain access to the Emerald Dreamway, through which they can traverse Azeroth via portals.


Изумрудный Кошмар

Изумрудный Сон как финальная локация?

Rumors dating back to the early development phase of World of Warcraft in 2003 suggest that the Emerald Dream would have been added in an 'at that time' future patch or expansion pack as an endgame zone or as a new continent. Newer speculation suggests that the Emerald Dream was originally intended to be an endgame instance, but got scrapped because Blizzard wanted it to be the main theme of an expansion. Tigole stated in late May 2007 that Blizzard had "actually done a lot of work on the Emerald Dream but we scrapped what we had for bigger, grander plans."[16][источник?]

Цитаты Blizzard

Back before World of Warcraft's closed beta phase, Tigole mentioned interesting details about the Emerald Dream, that seem to support the idea that it will be released.

Tigole on Sat, 06 Dec 2003 06:01:04 PSTШаблон:Citation needed

Actually, we have some pretty cool stuff planned for druids. They will definitely have a link to the Emerald Dream. There's also a zone on the way to the peak of Mount Hyjal called Moonglade that will be very core to druid characters. Our *master of Warcraft lore*, Chris Metzen, is never short on ideas when it comes to the druid class. I was running around the Emerald Dream last Thursday... you guys are in for a treat. The level designers are doing a killer job.

Tigole on Sat, 06 Dec 2003 22:01:05 PSTШаблон:Citation needed

The Emerald Dream is shaping up to be extremely cool. We don't want to preview any of that content yet as it is *endgame* and we want some surprises for players. [...] The zone is massive and beautiful. And once the content team is done with it, it will be exceedingly challenging >=]

Nethaera on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 08:19:20Шаблон:Citation needed

As for the Emerald Dream, there are no plans for anything as of yet but it is a consideration for the future. The Emerald Dream opens up a lot of different opportunities and the Burning Crusade is definitely not going to be the last of the expansion packs. There are many different places and storylines that can be pursued. The story is going to keep growing and as it does so, people will get to experience it.

Chris Metzen, November 2013 at BlizzCon (interview with South Korean videocast PlayersCut)

The Emerald Dream is a nice idea and the team has talked about making it into an expansion many times. Building an entire expansion worth of zones around a green lush forest theme would get very boring, so the Emerald Dream would be better used as raid, dungeon, or a subzone, not an entire expansion.


Знак вопроса - средний.png

See also Emerald Dream Expansion Ideas.

Currently the Emerald Dream is only explorable twice in-game, and even then, is is extremely limited in scope. The Emerald Dream may yet become a more in-depth feature in World of Warcraft at some point in the future, but it's still unclear if it will be a new zone, a world spanning several new zones (Emerald Paradise, etc.), an instance, an expansion pack, or anything else. It is a fact that five Great Trees already exist in Azeroth, with swirling green portals in front which are believed to be entrances to the Emerald Dream. These portals are in Duskwood (Twilight Grove), Feralas (Dream Bough), Hinterlands (Seradane), Ashenvale (Bough Shadow) and Crystalsong Forest (The Great Tree) in Northrend. Currently, none of these portals do anything if a player steps through them and Crystalsong Forest's tree does not even have a portal at present. The portals in Ashenvale, Feralas, Duskwood, and the Hinterlands, until the events of the Cataclysm, were protected by elite dragonkin. From patch 1.8.0 to patch 4.0.1, the Four Dragons, who normally lived in the Emerald Dream, began emerging from the portals at regular intervals.

In the War of the Ancients Trilogy, the Emerald Dream is accessed by Malfurion and Cenarius by achieving a deep meditative state. Therefore, it's unclear if any future implementation of the Emerald Dream will be accessible to non-druids, or if it will indeed be something that can be entered via the aforementioned portals. It is possible Blizzard could even add a new high level druid spell to port them directly to the Dream itself from anywhere.

Схожие описания

  • The Emerald Dream may have been influenced by H. P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands. The Dreamlands is a vast, alternate dimension that can be entered through dreams, similar to astral projection or lucid dreaming. Experienced dreamers are among the most powerful inhabitants of the Dreamlands and may become its permanent residents after their physical deaths.
  • Another similarity to the Emerald Dream is Tel'aran'rhiod, a parallel world in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, that is normally accessed through dreams. There are specially gifted people called "Dreamwalkers" that are able to access this reality at will.


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Also called Green Dream,[17] it appears to those who travel within it as how Azeroth would have been if intelligent beings had not altered its surface,[18] such as humans or elves,[19] with the cut forests, farmed prairies, diverted rivers or built cities. It is a vision of the world as a verdant natural paradise. Tranquil forests stretch away in every direction, and rolling hills and majestic mountains mimic Azeroth's landscape.[17]

Art of the "Emerald Paradise".

Azeroth and the Emerald Dream are quasi-duplicates of each other — the Emerald Dream is Azeroth as seen through a magic lens, untouched by the hands of mortals. The mountains are in the same places in both worlds, but where a human metropolis stands in Azeroth, a lush field, vacant of artifice, grows in the Emereald Dream.[17]


Попасть сюда можно как во плоти, так во время обычного сна. Хотя друиды и проходят в него с помощью единения с природой, доступ через более традиционную магию вполне возможен, но исконные жители Сна недружелюбно относятся к злоумышленникам.

Некоторые существа могут попасть в зеленый мир духов,пока спят, абсолютно без подготовки или сознательных намерений. Пребывание в Изумрудном Сне часто может одарить их пророческим или полезным видением. Другие создания, подобные друидам, используют обычные сновидения, чтобы получить доступ в Изумрудный Сон.

Когда дух индивидуалиста, оставив тело, посещает Сон, он принимает такой же внешний облик, как выглядел в Азероте, и обладает такими же физическими способностями. Таким образом, для большинства существ перемещение в Изумрудном Сне не отличается от обычного, хотя этот мир и является духовным. Опытные друиды, достаточно развившие свои навыки, могут игнорировать физическую реальность Изумрудного Сна. Это позволяет им передвигаться удивительными способами - сверхскоростным бегом, прохождением сквозь предметы или полетом. Случаи, когда подобным способностям обучается не друид, весьма редки, но возможны.


Creatures of the Emerald Dream.

Неизменным правителем Изумрудного Сна является Изера, которая вместе со своими потомками обеспечивает целостность и неприкосновенность этого удивительного мира.

Природа здесь находится в идеальном балансе. Животные всех видов населяют Изумрудный Сон, включая те из них, которые вымерли на Азероте, и тех, кто вообще не получал шанса развиваться в физическом мире. Также здесь проживают множество магических созданий, подобных спрайтам, и дриады с хранителями рощи. Важно, что этот мир постоянно посещают существа из Азерота, хотя они сами могут и не осознавать этого.

List of races:[20]
