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Нейтральная Мак'Ари
Уровень: 110
Уровень боевых питомцев: 25
Mac'Aree loading screen.jpg
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The rest of the city

Мак'Ари (pronounced muh-CAW-ree)[1], called the Jewel of Argus,[2] was one of the most illustrious cities of Argus[3], the pinnacle of eredar civilization,[1] and the most sacred of all cities.[4] Following the destruction that befell Argus, the city of Mac'Aree now floats above the planet, in a relatively pristine state.[5]


Mac'Aree's hills were purple,[3] and its rivers glittered even in complete darkness.[4] The city's walkways were lined with precious minerals.[4] Jessera of Mac'Aree cannot remember anymore how long it has been since he last was there. The eredar prior to their corruption by Sargeras seemed to have a great love and reverence for Mac'Aree, as expressed on the inscription at the bottom of The Last Relic of Argus, "I long for Mac'Aree".


Legion Этот раздел содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Legion.

Mac'Aree serves as one of three zones on Argus and hosts the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon. The city is mostly intact compared to the rest of the world, though the land to the northwest has curved upwards, slanting the city. Having somewhat been thrown into orbit and floating above the massive scar in the planet, Mac'Aree has mostly escaped corruption and was seemingly abandoned. But the Armies of Legionfall retrieving the Sigil of Conservation alerted the Burning Legion who sent an assault force to Mac'Aree in order to halt their progress.[6]


The city of Mac'Aree is a floating island above the rest of the planet Argus. The city is dominated by the Seat of the Triumvirate to the northwest, near a huge rock wall caused by the deformation of the planet's surface. Much of the city is inaccessible to players but can be seen in the sky, floating at an angle.

Карты и подзоны

Карта Мак'Ари
Legion В игре

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Название Отношение Уровни Направление Доступ
Крокуун Нейтральная 110 Юго-востлк При помощи Маяка озаренных или Виндикара.
Пустоши Анторуса Нейтральная 110 Юго-запад При помощи Маяка озаренных или Виндикара.

Выдающиеся личности

Основная статья: Мак'Ари НИП


Основная статья: Мак'Ари задания




The glow of the Xenedar near the rift
  • Mac'Aree may be a reference to Jesse McCree, Lead Level Designer: Exterior for Blizzard Entertainment, since the character who seems to know about it is named Jessera of Mac'Aree.
  • When jumping out of the edge of the map, the player enters the "Twisting Nether" subzone shortly before dying, similar to how leaving an Outland zone does.
  • Mac'Aree can be seen in the sky from Krokuun. Likewise, the glow of the Xenedar in Krokuun can be seen on the surface from Mac'Aree.


Знак вопроса - средний.png

While Archmage Y'mera does not know why the spirits of eredar linger in Mac'Aree,[7] a likely explanation is that L'ura is drawing them there like D'ore and K'ure drew spirits to Auchindoun and Oshu'gun, respectively.

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