Орочий (язык)

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An orcish rune.

Орочий - основной язык орков и всей Орды. Все её члены понимают орочью речь, пусть и без исторических предпосылок (как отрекшиеся и эльфы крови). Орочий пишется с использованием алфавита Всеобщего языка и рун.

Орочий язык более грубый, нежели Всеобщий, ему не хватает тонкости в произношении. Орки полагаются на контекст, количество повторений и громкость сказанного, усиливая смысл. Существует множество диалектов орочьего языка, например, один из них используется большинством членов Орды, на другом говорят орки, живущие недалеко от Дарнхольда. Даже отдельные племена имеют различные диалекты, которые различны настолько, что орки могут не понимать друг друга, если не говорят на общем языке.[1]

Примеры слов (official translations)

  • Ака'Магош: Благослови тебя и твою семью.
  • Бин мог г’тазаг ча: Я защищу тебя.
  • Дабу: Повинуюсь.
  • Даэ'Мон: Испорченная душа, искривленная душа.
  • Дранош: Сердце Дренора.
  • Гар'мак: Боль, страдание.
  • Гол'Кош: Самостоятельно, своими руками (буквально «от моего топора»)
  • Громболар: Кишки великана (ругательство)
  • Громмаш: Сердце великана.
  • Кагх!: Бегите!
  • Лак'Тук: Капитуляция, поражение.
  • Ло'гош: Волк-призрак.
  • Лохн'горон: Временное обиталище героя.
  • Лок-Нараш: Защищайтесь, вооружитесь.
  • Лок-Регар: Готов к приказам.
  • Лок'тар!: Победа! (боевой клич, так же приветствие в бою)
  • Лок'тар огар!: Победа или смерть! (боевой клич)
  • Лок'амон: Традиционная оркская свадебная песня.
  • Лок'тра: Традиционная оркская боевая песня.
  • Лок'ваднод: Традиционная оркская песня о жизни героя.
  • Маг'хар: не оскверненный.
  • Мок'Натал: Сыновья Ната (Нат — благородный титул)
  • Награнд: Земля ветров.
  • Ошу'Ган: Горы духов.
  • Свобу: Как прикажете.
  • Тром-ка: Рад встрече (приветствие)
  • Трк'хск: Смерть в бою. (некоторые орки в Дарнхолде употребляют это слово в значении «Жертва земле» для хорошего урожая зерновых)
  • Заг-заг: Близко по смыслу к «ок».

Непереводимые оркские фразы

Note that many orc locations are directly named for prominent orcs, including Bladefist Bay, Durotar, Garadar, Grommash Hold, Kargath, Kargathia Keep, Orgrimmar, Hordemar City and Thrallmar. Further, it can be noted that -ar or -mar seems to be a frequent suffix to denote a place named for another orc.

Orcish / Common dictionary

The following appear in the "Orcish / Common Dictionary" found in eastern Dalaran.

  • BUR - An aggressively passionate mating call.
  • What can I do fer ye? - Beer sold here.
  • Hi - A threatening war cry, especially when accompanied by a wave or bow.
  • How are you? - Was your mother really a reptile?
  • King's Honor, friend! - I'm starving!

Sample words or phrases (speculation)

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This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Orcish language, and is listed as language number one (word range 1-100) in the Language text file.

Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game "translator" merely makes the words look like Orcish. It does not actually translate words. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn't true Orcish.

Number of letters in word Word List
One-letter words A, N, G, O, L
Two-letter words Ha, Ko, No, Mu, Ag, Ka, Gi, Il
Three-letter words Lok, Tar, Kaz, Ruk, Kek, Mog, Zug, Gul, Nuk, Aaz, Kil, Ogg
Four-letter words Rega, Nogu, Tago, Uruk, Kagg, Zaga, Grom, Ogar, Gesh, Thok, Dogg, Maka, Maza
Five-letter words Regas, Nogah, Kazum, Magan, No'bu, Golar, Throm, Zugas, Re'ka, No'ku, Ro'th
Six-letter words Thrakk, Revash, Nakazz, Moguna, No'gor, Goth'a, Raznos, Ogerin, Gezzno, Thukad, Makogg, Aaz'no
Seven-letter words Lok'Tar, Gul'rok, Kazreth, Tov'osh, Zil'Nok, Rath'is, Kil'azi
Eight-letter words Throm'ka, Osh'Kava, Gul'nath, Kog'zela, Ragath'a, Zuggossh, Moth'aga
Nine-letter words Tov'nokaz, Osh'kazil, No'throma, Gesh'nuka, Lok'mogul, Lok'bolar, Ruk'ka'ha
Ten-letter words Regasnogah, Kazum'nobu, Throm'bola, Gesh'zugas, Maza'rotha, Ogerin'naz
Eleven-letter words Thrakk'reva, Kaz'goth'no, No'gor'goth, Kil'azi'aga, Zug-zug'ama, Maza'thrakk
Twelve-letter words Lokando'nash, Ul'gammathar, Golgonnashar, Dalggo'mazah
Thirteen-letter words Khaz'rogg'ahn, Moth'kazoroth

Word list (speculation)

  • Grom'gol - Horde camp in Stranglethorn Vale. - Grom being an honor to Grom Hellscream (as well as an Orcish word for "giant"), and Gol probably (based on defined terms in primer) means "By my" or "Axe" so it could be speculated to mean "Grom's Axe", "Giant's Axe", "By Grom" and others.
  • "Hall" - Used in the salutation "Thrall Hall!", probably means "honor" or something similar. Theory #2: It has no specific definition in the orcish language, it is instead used as a multi-purpose word that means glory to the horde/leader (Glory through their leader). The only reason it is Thrall Hall is because it flows naturally and is easy to say/remember (Kind of like why we use nicknames), compare the use of Thrall Hall! to Thrall Honor! or Thrall Hail!
  • Kek = Lol

When a Horde character says "lol" in Orcish, it displays as "kek" to Alliance characters. Since "lol" is used quite often in the game by many players this translation has become widely known, and many fans have accepted "kek" as kind of an official translation of "lol" into Orcish. However there are many other 3-letter combinations that produce the translation "kek", and "lol" isn't really a word in the English language, anyway. Kek's origin is from Starcraft's online service. The original version of the game did not support full Korean language, so the closest a Korean player could get to "Hahaha" in Korean was "Kekeke". [1]

  • Grommash has been officially translated as Giant's Heart. Grombolar has been officially translated as Bowels of the Giant. Dranosh and Garrosh have been officially translated as Heart of Draenor and Warrior's Heart, respectively. Thus, it can be assumed that "Grom" means giant, "Bolar" means bowels, and both "(M)ash" and "Osh" mean heart.
    • Grom = "Giant"
    • Bolar = "Bowels"
    • (M)ash or Osh = "Heart"

Some more Orcish phrases (speculation)

Although no official translations have been released for them, here are some more Orcish phrases and their rough meanings based on the actions of the units in the RTS games when they say them:

  • "Lok-Regar Ogull, On-Dabu." = "Ready for orders."

In Battle for the Undercity:

  • "Mog Osh'kazil gul'rok il mog Ro'th zaga maza TOV'OSH" = "The Undercity belongs to the Horde once more! LOK'TAR!"


Character creation screen

The following names are offered as suggestions when creating characters on the character creation screen. Note that this list represents a sample of the many possible suggestions.

Male names
  • Wark, Drukasao, Guntojakh, Iroggalnn, Tuknazit, Volindai, Igond, Rogrelg, Umaghavikor, Fengam, So, Domron, Zurosao, Lugrenga, Zugrish, Dosamm, Tsubai, Wagtaggall, Naakigg, Eckh, Emontuugg, Cromga, Fusatkuulk, Rogrettsuo, Kalligg, Wogruugar, Akuugg, Kagar, Akubaim, Kashugrexx, Gilligoarusk, Relcozomrak, Daggarn, Dramworn, Macksh, Tusontarish, Rhog, Drarduglok, Fenrim, Rashomro, Cheruknai, Googg, Mazumorr, Chantsuya, Kazit, Sikkall, Dengamm, Nagtar, Skrishtargh, Nakin, Herst, Pikasand, Ugakusel, Kagrim, Gaidom, Fashtar, Rendomiku, Rog, Watsuyagarg, Fusath, Nekk, Tramm, Figgo, Domdaggo, Koichark, Crongaragho, Gungoress, Oso, Phavikazra, Irogaidos, Sokramm, Figall, Zurungo, Emurigore, Fashtalekthr, Chul, Tulmokthar, Nardamesh, Korelskrim, Figgalekk, Nathatsu, Nagg, Molo, Waghurp, Maulnargon, Pyagatku, Emurund, Wit, Kafgantand, On, Songamu, Lhavik, Thariak, Hungar, Drelcozsh, Draggo, Zumongorg, Nekiron.
Female names
  • Bokrem, Fuda, Garainekago, Lopiatsukas, Hallarii, Saroogai, Hargai, Maiki, Togrytasaku, Hatamaris, Garunn, Ferunah, Irgraka, Reldaqi, Corvisaki, Roldiko, Daqi, Drunndrukona, Opakhamga, Gelagallopia, Liritsua, Geermani, Tokimao, Ezarn, Arteta, Nodosar, Mannah, Riimishtasa, Rokargara, Uragosaka, Tishtalvana, Pla, Rekrakka, Tabitaska, Akiria, Dous, Seergrutalla, Uragdalka, Khaku, Womdalle, Akonnaya, Morakinka, Akasaaja, Dosa, Reta, Nangrii, Roldala, Ritheddalka, Kritasu, Doora, Eonamah, Tiki, Grytas, Skkagai, Mirshaqi, Seerman, Wyeghakask, Lirgronnanya, Eonamanaka, Nodooskasan, Tishargryta, Arooska, Khalvanagna, Kinani, Okagark, Giskka, Atsuka, Tinekretanya, Rekrannda, In, Grytamikirga, Heg, Ferunaki, Gellaayu, Eonnakha, Ritsukah, Drakkaskaya, Flikorvisa.


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Orcish surnames are usually derived from great acts or merits a previous ancestor was lauded for, but some exceptional orcs earn their own surnames (Kilrogg Deadeye, Kargath Bladefist), and many prefer to use the names of their fathers (Thrall, Son of Durotan). Only the family leader can hold an eponymous title (For example, there can only be one Doomhammer or Deadeye at a time), and the rest of the clan identify themselves through their line of birth.

Two types of orc names appear to have arisen: two syllables separated by an apostrophe and a simple name shortened from a longer one. The two-syllable ones- Gul'dan, Drak'Thul, Dal'Rend - appear to have initially been only used for spellcaster, but was later exported (Gar'Thok was a Grunt colonel). The second type was highly cultural; only those with powers over the warrior could use their full name, such as Shamans and chieftains, or the orc's personal religious leader. For example Brox's full name was Broxigar, a term which he allowed only Tyrande and Krasus to use. Grom Hellscream's full name was Grommash, which Mannoroth used to address him as demonstration that Hellscream was his. This is very inconsistent, however, most of the known orcish names (such as Durotan, Orgrim, Nazgrel, Kargath) are never documented being used in short forms.


The RPG Icon 16x36.png Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Warcraft RPG.

Большинство орочьих имён происходит от каких-либо слов в их языке. Как правило - название любимой вещи, занятия или родственника. Фамилий у орков не существует, хотя особо отличившимся героям или вождям присваивают второе имя в честь заслуг. Изредка, потомки орка берут себе его боевое прозвище, чем показывают, что не посрамят честь предка. Также у орков довольно распространены клички, которые в некоторых случаях вытесняют имя орка.[2]

  • Мужские Имена: Ragmash, Manrok, Groktash, Nurrog, Thurg.
  • Женские Имена: Groma, Hargu, Igrim, Аgra, Dragga, Grima.
  • Прозвища: Doomhammer, Deadeye, Forebinder, Elfkiller, Skullsplitter, Axeripper, Tearshorn, Fistcrusher.[2]

Warcraft II

In the Warcraft II cinematics, orcs randomly say words in orcish like "Moka", "titoo", "glode". These words, however, have never been heard in another Blizzard game and have never been translated.


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"Orc" as a term defining language, has an apparent connection to DnD derived generic languages, which apparently can be found in DnD rule books.

To a degree, phoenetically some of the words resemble Tolkien's Black Speech, which makes sense, since that language was presumably the foundational influence for the sound of this one. It is, however, generally somewhat less guttural and (to use Tolkien's own adjective for the Black Speech) uncouth.

It also doesn't seem to really be an actual language as such; Blizzard apparently originally invented a few words with an "Orcish" sound to use as acknowledgement phrases when units were clicked on in the earlier Warcraft games, and thus to create consistency, these words were brought over to WoW. The translated vocabulary however is not large, and there is no real formal grammar. The "Orcish" that can be seen apparently being spoken by players in-game is the result of a hash table created by Blizzard, (as mentioned above) and the words produced by it are intentionally meaningless gibberish.

The examples of Orcish we've seen indicate what the phonetic inventory of the language might include, but we have nearly no evidence of the structure of the syntax or grammar. It may be possible to assume that adjectives come before nouns, as in English and other Germanic languages. As seen in the primer above, "Grommash" translates to "giant's heart". Thus we might say that "grom"(giant's) is an adjective modifiying "mash" (heart). The word "Grombolar," meaning "bowels of the giant", seems to follow this pattern as well. Of course, if this is actually a possessive clause, or a compound word, then the speculation that Orcish follows an adjective-noun word order could be erroneous.


  1. Голден, Кристи. Восход Орды, 40. ISBN 978-0-7434-7138-1. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 Arthaus. World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 46. ISBN 9781588467812.