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Титаны (предполагается), Древние Божества, Род Черных Драконов (подчиняются Смертокрылу)
Не известен
Родной мирАзерот
Язык Титанов (предполагается)
Не известен

Тол'виры - это раса "огромных людей-котов", подобных Титанам, которые появились и живут в Ульдуме. Они были созданы для охраны залежей титана и машин. Существовали и другие Тол'виры в Нордсколе, но они были свергнуты Нерубами и превращены в Обсидиановых разрушителей. Возможно, что некоторые из первоначальных Тол'виров Нордскола до сих пор существуют в глубинах Азжол-Неруба. Но с увереностью можно сказать, что Тол'виры в Ульдуме связаны с Ал'акиром и его элементалями.


Существа, известные как обсидиановые разрушители, являются порабощенными созданиями титанов, когда-то носившими имя тол'вир. Они были созданы для поддержания порядка в хранилищах знания титанов и их механизмов в Ульдуаре и Ульдуме. Через некоторое время тролли разбили империю Акири на два народа. Разумные насекомые, которые отправились на север и позже стали известны как нерубы, захватили строения тол'вир и адаптировали для своих целей. Кроме этого, южные акири разграбили исследовательские станции титанов у Ульдума и, назвав себя кираджи, основали империю Ан'Кираж.

Хотя Плети в будущем всё-таки удалось истребить нерубов и сделать своими рабами как пауков, так и остатки тол'вир, возможно, что в скрытых глубинах Азжол-Неруба еще существуют изначальные представители этого народа.[1]

Гражданская война

Когда Смертокрыл вернулся в Азерот, башни Небесной выси и войска воздушных элементалей атаковали Ульдум, управляемые волей Ал'Акира, вставшего на сторону Аспекта Смерти. Некоторые из Рамкахен согласились примкнуть к Смертокрылу, который вернул им каменный облик, и стали известны как народ Неферсет.

Рамкахен с помощью героев Альянса и Орды, прибывших в Ульдум, атаковали Неферсет и уничтожили Темного фараона Текана[2] и его лейтенантов, после чего каменные колосы перестали представлять опасность.

После падения Неферсета Рамкахен обнаружили проход к Затерянному городу Тол'вир[3], куда уже начали вторжение элементали воздуха под руководством Сиамата, владыки южного ветра. Там же обустроились оставшиеся представители Неферсета.[4]


With the help of valiant adventurers from both Horde and the Alliance, the Ramkahen has managed to take Neferset City and push the Neferset tribe back. The Ramkahen now control most of the tol'vir settlements in Uldum, while the Neferset still hold the southern part of the delta and their stronghold in the Lost City. More Neferset can be seen in the Vortex Pinnacle.

Quest for Pandaria

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Tol'vir icon (recolored from archaeology image)


The tol'vir have humanoid upper torsos with a more lionine bottom half. Their faces are also very lionine, with sleek features and sharp fangs. Thick fur of various shading covers their body.

Before being afflicted with the Curse of Flesh, the tol'vir had stone bodies and gems encrusted in certain areas. Some of the larger tol'vir had a pair of stone wings.[5]



Raider Lord Havat.jpg

In ancient times, the tol'vir were charged with guarding and keeping the structures and artifacts of the benevolent Titans. All the combat protocols that the titans programmed into the tol'virs ancestors are still there, though some are part of their instincts, some get passed on as traditions.[6] To this day, the tol'vir keep this charge[7], but have also established their own cultures and cities in the process. Tol'vir buildings are made of stone and mud, shaped into bricks and placed into cube like structures. While simple, they are effective at blocking out the harsh sun on the Uldum desert, or cutting out the unforgiving winds.

Although the systems keeping Uldum hidden from the rest of the world worked flawlessly from the ordering of Azeroth up until the Cataclysm, the tol'vir inside did have some knowledge of what was going on outside their home: many of the titans' security devices in Uldum were in communication with the other titanic cities (Ulduar, Uldaman, etc.). The Halls of Origination were actually the system that Algalon the Observer intended to activate upon his arrival in Ulduar.[8]

The tol'vir tribes are lead by kings, and live in what appears to be a monarch system of government. When the king passes on, the oldest living heir will take it's place, and so on. Higher ranking members of tol'vir society, such as generals, kings, and high priests, wear head pieces that are shaped like rams[9] or birds[10]. It is known that the tol'vir revere the Titans and their guardians, so these may be shaped in honor of the Titan guardians.

The tol'vir have many sacred areas around Uldum. While the prime religion and beliefs of these creatures is not known at this time (see speculation), it is clear that it is of importance to the Tol'vir, as High priests of the tribes are held in high standing.


Their racial language is unknown, but they seem to be able to speak both Common and Orcish, as they interact with both Horde and Alliance adventurers.


Three tribes exist in the present day named after the cities they live in: Ramkahen, Orsis (nearly wiped out by Al'Akir) and Neferset. The latter tribe has allied with Deathwing in order to regain the tol'vir's stone form.

Notable tol'vir

Name Role Affiliation Condition
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifGeneral Ammantep Quest giver outside the town of Ramkahen in Uldum. Orsis Alive
IconSmall Tol'vir.gifTemple Guardian Anhuur Overseer of the Chamber of Prophecy and a master of holy magic and devastating hymns. Neferset Killable
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifSun Priest Asaris Quest giver outside the town of Ramkahen in Uldum. Ramkahen Alive
IconSmall Tol'vir.gifHigh Prophet Barim Boss in the Lost City of the Tol'vir Neferset Killable
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifProphet Hadassi The eldest member and prophet of the Orsis Orsis Deceased
IconSmall Tol'vir.gifRaider Lord Havat The most ruthless Neferset found in Keset Pass of Uldum. Neferset Killable
IconSmall Tol'vir.gifGeneral Husam Boss in the Lost City of the Tol'vir who gained his stone form back. Neferset Killable
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifItesh A civilian leader and quest giver in the Vortex Pinnacle. Orsis Alive
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifPrince Nadun Brother of King Phaoris of Ramkahen Ramkahen Alive
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifEmperor Ninjter Emperor who died very young, before much of his great destiny could unfold. Ramkahen Deceased
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifKing Phaoris Racial leader of the flesh made Tol'vir and located in the town of Ramkahen in Uldum Ramkahen Alive
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifPharaoh Tebhotep During his reign a plague of serpents and scarabs struck the Vir'naal River. Ramkahen Deceased
IconSmall Ramkahen.gifSalhet Soldier of the Sword of Ramkahen and later commander of a regiment. Ramkahen Alive
IconSmall Tol'vir.gifDark Pharaoh Tekahn King of the Neferset Neferset Killable


Concept art.

Знак вопроса - средний.png

Possible religions

The Light

Some of the Tol'vir use Light based abilities, and call forth the powers of Light: High Prophet Barim summons forth the powers of Heaven's Fury and Repentance, while Temple Guardian Anhuur varies from Searing Light to Divine Reckoning. The Dungeon Journal clarifies that these two do utilize the powers of the light, but the description of the latter makes it clear the creature had to be specifically empowered to utilize these powers, making it unlikely to be available to the majority of the Tol'vir.

The Sun

Tol'vir priests are referred to as sun priests, which could indicate some sort of connection with the sun. Indeed, the sun is often referred in locations throughout Uldum (Seal of the Sun King, Obelisk of the Sun, Tomb of the Sun King) and there is a temple that is explicitly powered by the sun. In addition, statues of Rahj, the Watcher of the sun, are a common sight throughout Uldum. However, many of these locations were constructed (and presumably named) by the Titans, so it might not be indicative of the Tol'vir religion.


As revealed in the Dungeon Journal, General Husam was assigned his duties personally from the Titans. Despite being exposed to the curse of flesh, he remained relatively ageless and even lived to see the curse lifted. It could be that, despite being cursed, the Tol'vir maintained their immortality.
