Холм Грукин

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Версия от 21:52, 28 декабря 2014; Ruzik89 (обсуждение | вклад)
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Орда Холм Грукин
Grookin Mound.jpg
Лидер(ы)IconSmall Hozen.gif Вождь Ках-Ках
Раса(ы)Хозен Хозен
Ресурс(ы)Рыбалка, охота
Отношение к другимЛесные хозены, Орда
МестоположениеЗапад Нефритового леса
УслугиDone.gif Таверна  Done.gif Почта

Done.gif Стойла
Done.gif Наковальня и горн

Undone.gif Банк       Undone.gif Аукцион
ПутешествиеDone.gif Мастер полетов
Undone.gif "Общественный" транспорт
Undone.gif Порталы
Источники: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Grookin Hill is a hozen village found just west of Tigers' Wood, past the Slicky Stream in western Jade Forest. This is the main village of the Forest Hozen, where the big chief resides.

After gaining favor with the hozen, by killing the mean wikkets (the Alliance who were killing them), killing a hozen-killing tiger, and gathering bait to catch fish, the chief decides to fight alongside the good wikkets (the Horde). When the signal flare is lit by the adventurer, the surviving Horde attack force make their way from the Strongarm Airstrip to here as their new temporary base of operations.

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  • While the Horde forces are at the base:

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