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Тирус Чернорог
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Пылающий Легион, Силы Древних Богов, Иллидари,[1][2] Независимая
КлассыFelsworn, Разбойник, Некромант, Чернокнижник, Варвар, Воин, Охотник,[3][4] Hellcaller, Пиромант, Shadowdancer, Trickster, Похититель душ, Scout, Друид[5][6][7]
IconSmall Xavius2.gif Ксавий
IconSmall DarkTitan Male.gif Саргерас
IconSmall Illidan.gif Иллидан Ярость Бури
Родной мирАзерот, Зорот[8]
Дарнасский, Всеобщий
Талассийский, Эредан

Satyrs (sometimes pluralized as satyr)[9] are bestial demons usually sworn to the Burning Legion, created when mortal beings are afflicted by the ancient curse of the satyr, which originated with Xavius. The Highborne sorcerer was utterly destroyed and remade into a demonic form as a punishment for his failures by Sargeras during the War of the Ancients. Xavius spread his curse to other night elves, which eventually reached other races as well. Satyrs mostly live in various sects throughout Kalimdor and mostly harry their hated night elf cousins and obey the will of the Legion.[10] Others have sworn fealty to the Old Gods and spread the Nightmare.


Война Древних

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Давным-давно сатиры были ночными эльфами. Первым сатиром был лорд Ксавий, который предал весь свой народ и начал помогать падшему титану Саргерасу. Когда об этом узнал друид Малфурион, то убил Ксавия, но Саргерас понял, что тот ему ещё нужен, и воскресил Ксавия. При этом тело последнего изменилось — у него выросли рога, копыта, хвост, когти зверя, и таким образом он стал первым сатиром. Саргерас также дал ему силу превращать других эльфов в сатиров. Постепенно все больше и больше эльфов становились такими же, как он.

Когда Малфурион попытался уничтожить Колодец Вечности, то вместе с Высокорождёнными против него выступили и сатиры во главе с Ксавием. Прислужники Ксавия похитили возлюбленную Малфуриона Тиранду, и в ярости он убил Ксавия, на этот раз — навсегда.

After the War of the Ancients, many surviving satyrs were rounded up. Thaon Moonclaw argued to execute them all but was overruled, and they were placed in an eternal sleep deep beneath the roots of Shaladrassil.[11]

Война Сатира

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Основная статья: Война Сатира

After the Legion's defeat, remaining demons and satyrs later rallied against the night elves in the War of the Satyr. The demons proved a powerful opponent to the night elves, but proved especially vulnerable to the uncontrollable Pack Form. The satyrs were ultimately defeated by the newly formed worgen of the Druids of the Scythe.[12] The war completely decimated any semblance of central leadership for the satyrs, forcing them to live in small sects to this day.[13]

Третья Война

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Несмотря на это, сатиры продолжали сражаться и без своего лидера. Они приняли участие в Третьей войне на стороне Пылающего Легиона. Они пытались помешать ночным эльфам пробудить друидов от их спячки, также они пытались помешать Иллидану украсть череп Гул'дана, но ни то, ни другое им не удалось. После того как Иллидан поглотил силы черепа Гул’дана, сатиры присоединились к нему. Сатиры попытались помешать Майев преследовать Иллидана, но тщетно — в результате небольшая группа сатиров была уничтожена. Как оказалось, сатиры также захватили в плен небольшое количество ночных эльфов, но Майев освободила их.

The Frozen Throne

A small group of satyrs joined Illidan's ranks alongside the naga. This group, located in Azshara, tries to stop the group led by Maiev Shadowsong from reaching their master, near the night elf docks. They also manage to capture and torture a few night elves. Luckily for the night elves, Maiev manages to free them all and kill all satyrs who tried to stop her group.

During The Frozen Throne events, this group of satyrs was still made of members of the Burning Legion, since Illidan was an agent of the Legion.

It seems that not all satyrs led by Illidan were slain. During the war in Outland, Illidan has some satyrs under his command, who probably joined his ranks during the aftermath of the Third War based on the fact that that was the only moment when Illidan (now as a demon lord) was seen in Kalimdor (the only place where you could find satyrs by that time).

World of Warcraft

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Five years after the Legion's defeat, a great number of Satyrs could be found living in the lands of Kalimdor. They lived in small groups, each group with its own leader, and each group with its own goals. The ultimate goal of all the groups was still the same as the first satyrs to ever wander Azeroth: corrupt the land and its creatures. Some groups still remain in contact with the Burning Legion, while others act independently, but one thing is certain; they are not fully independent beings at all. When the Legion calls, they will answer.

Some satyrs work by themselves, spreading the corruption amongst groups of Furbolgs and Moonwells and even giving missions to anyone who accepts them. All the groups of satyrs of Kalimdor suffered great losses by members of both Alliance and Horde, and most of their leaders were killed, but it's likely that most of these groups still exist.

The Burning Crusade

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Some satyrs served Illidan, their new master. They were the first occurrence of satyrs cutting their ties with the Burning Legion and serving a new master. They were very few and located in Shadowmoon Valley. This group shared territories (old draenei ruins) with other servants of Illidan, such as succubi and dread Lords, while others lived in the Black Temple and helped with its defense against the Shattrath offensive against the Temple.

Wrath of the Lich King

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A small group of Satyr, known as the Unbound, lives in the Crystalsong Forest. They were turned into "crystal satyrs" as the dragons of the Blue dragonflightElaunched a devastating attack on the High Elves that had stolen their artifacts, turning the entire forest and its inhabitants into crystal. Evidence showed that they were trying to corrupt Treants and Ancients wandering there.


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With the threat of the Twilight's Hammer some night elves had called on the help of their imprisoned satyr brethren, though very distrustful. A quest chain of this nature can be completed in Mount Hyjal with Tyrus Blackhorn, and there was one who sought redemption from their wretched demonic form : Avrus Illwhisper, who was eventually saved by Elune and turned into Avrus the Redeemed. Arch Druid Navarax, leader of the Emerald Circle in Felwood, wasa disguised satyr.

Some satyrs from Xoroth also tried to invade Mazthoril alongside other Burning Legion forces.


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With their master Xavius returned once again, satyrs broke out of their imprisonment under Shaladrassil. They had overrun both Val'sharah and the Emerald Dream as they spread the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare for Xavius, helping the Burning Legion along the way.


Masters of demonic magic,[14] all satyrs have been transformed into their current shapes by inheriting the demonic curse that originated from Xavius. These immortal demons delight most in inflicting emotional and physical pain upon their enemies. These bestial demons have increased physical strength and an incredible talent for manipulation.

Like Xavius, all satyrs have the ability to pass their curse on, and they have gleefully done so. The curse has therefore continued to spread, although it has weakened over time, and so very few satyrs are still being created. New satyrs can only be created by preexisting satyrs.

Over time the satyrs discovered that they could pass their curse on to races other than the night elves. Although most satyrs today are former night elves, satyrs have therefore also been created out of other races. According to scattered reports, there are both male and female satyrs; however, researchers have failed thus far to secure irrefutable evidence of female satyrs on Azeroth.[15] The Fallen Priestess, formerly the night elven Priestess Driana is a female satyr.

Satyrs corrupt lands and drain its magic. They feed off its purity, leeching and corrupting. The magic is stored in their hooves; the satyrs that have drawn the most magic are distinguished by their swollen, uncloven hooves.[16]

They were described as Sargeras's blessed servants.[17]





Broken Isles


Имя Роль Отношение Статус Местоположение
Нейтральная IconSmall Xavius.gif  Xavius First of the satyr, Nightmare Lord Burning Legion, Emerald Nightmare Погиб-Убиваемый Various Locations
Boss IconSmall Peroth'arn.gif Peroth'arn The second satyr Burning Legion Убиваемый Well of Eternity
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Alzzin the Wildshaper Corruptor of Dire Maul, leader of the Wildspawn Wildspawn Убиваемый Dire Maul
Альянс IconSmall Satyr.gif Avrus Illwhisper Felmusk defector seeking the forgiveness of Elune Darnassus Жив Raynewood Tower, Ashenvale
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Bazzalan Co-leader of the Searing Blade Searing Blade Побежден Ragefire Chasm
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Garaxxas Acolyte of Priestess Delrissa Kael'thas' forces, Burning Legion Убиваемый Observation Grounds, Magisters' Terrace
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Kagraxxis the Corruptor Corruptor of Moonclaw Vale Burning Legion Убиваемый Moonclaw Cavern, Val'sharah
Нейтральная IconSmall Satyr.gif Lorax Blacksmith holding the secrets to the Demon Forged Breastplate Independent Жив Frostwhisper Gorge, Winterspring
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Lord Melenas Leader of a grell army at Fel Rock Burning Legion Убиваемый Fel Rock, Teldrassil
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Lord Vyletongue Servant of Princess Theradras, agent of the Burning Legion Putridus, Burning Legion Убиваемый Vyletongue Seat, Maraudon
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Prince Xavalis Rumored son of Xavius Jadefire, Shadow Council, Burning Legion Убиваемый Shadow Hold, Felwood
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Sethir the Ancient Holder of the secrets to what is corrupting Teldrassil Burning Legion Убиваемый Oracle Glade, Teldrassil
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Sharax the Defiler Corruptor of the Blackwood furbolgs Jadefire Убиваемый Darkshore
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Terestian Illhoof Ritualist hiding in Karazhan Burning Legion Побежден-Убиваемый The Repository, Karazhan
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Thorngrin the Tender Performing sacrifices for Kael'thas' botanists Nethervine, Kael'thas' forces, Burning Legion Убиваемый Botanica
Нейтральная IconSmall Satyr.gif Tyrus Blackhorn Prisoner in Mount Hyjal Burning Legion Жив Blackhorn's Penance, Mount Hyjal
Нейтральная IconSmall Satyr.gif Xalan the Feared Xavian general during the War of the Satyr Xavian Побежден Unknown
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Xandivious Corruptor of the Winterfall furbolgs Burning Legion Убиваемый Winterfall Village, Winterspring
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Xandris the Dishonored One of the first to accept the curse of Xavius Burning Legion Убиваемый Moonclaw Vale, Val'sharah
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Xaravan Disguised as Arch Druid Navarax Burning Legion Убиваемый Whisperwind Grove, Felwood
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Xavaric Co-leader of the Jadefire Jadefire, Burning Legion Побежден Formerly Jadefire Run, Felwood
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Xavathras Co-leader of the Jadefire Jadefire, Burning Legion Убиваемый Ruins of Constellas, Felwood
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Zandras Overseer of the Warden's Cage Illidari Убиваемый Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Zenn Foulhoof Corruptor of Darkshore Burning Legion Убиваемый Various Locations
Бой IconSmall Satyr.gif Zevrax Leader of the Axxarien Axxarien Убиваемый Axxarien, Bloodmyst Isle
Boss IconSmall Satyr.gif Zevrim Thornhoof Corruptor of Dire Maul Wildspawn Убиваемый Dire Maul

Секты сатиров

A satyr banner in Nazzivian.

Satyrs are organized into small sects.[13]

Другие сатиры

Сатиры в Warcraft III

The Satyrs of Warcraft III, most of the times, appear as members of a faction called Corrupted Ancients, a faction made of satyrs, skeletons and corrupted treants.

Первоначальные сатиры

A satyr from Warcraft III.

Измененные сатиры



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A satyr on the cover of Lands of Mystery.

Unlike most Highborne who aided the Legion simply to gain access to more magic, those who would become satyr embraced demonic power for its own sake and swore their allegiance to Xavius, the first satyr. Xavius had been corrupted by Sargeras himself and had the power to turn other willing night elves into satyr.

These former elves were taken by the demons and twisted into shapes that more accurately reflected their nature. In place of their former sinewy elven bodies, they now possessed massive hairy forms, standing upwards of 9 feet tall. Their hands became claws, their feet replaced by cloven hooves and horns sprouted from their head. Even after the destruction of the Well of Eternity, the satyr continued to serve the Legion, working to corrupt the land and pave the way for a second invasion. During the Third War, the satyr fought with the Legion and the Scourge against the Horde and the Alliance. Satyr are often found guarding corrupted moonwells. The satyrs tend these moon wells corrupted with demonic energy. It is said that these pools are the source of new satyrs, transforming night elves into the twisted minions of the Legion. No one knows if corrupted moon wells work similar transformations in other species.[18] Though high elf satyrs are rare, they do exist. Non-elves may not differentiate between high elf and night elf satyrs, but elves and satyrs claim the differences as clear as night and day.[18] In the years since the War of the Ancients, other races have also joined the ranks of the satyrs, including; goblins, orcs, half-elves, high elves, blood elves, and Low Common speaking races.[19][20] It may be possible for members of nearly every race to become satyrs.[21] A critical hit from the Dirk of the Beast can transform others into satyr, regardless of race.[22] The black magic invoked in the transformations is known as the shadow curse.[23]

The satyr still work to spread corruption and death, and are especially prevalent in Felwood, though they inhabit most of regions of Northern Kalimdor around Mount Hyjal. Most satyr are capable of using warlock magic and are described as masters of demonic magic and so incredibly dangerous. But the satyr seem to still have connections to druidism. This can be seen at the corruption of plants they often create, and the fact that Lord Melenas can turn into a black cat and Alzzin the Wildshaper turns into a treant. They are the most hated enemy of the night elves, but are hostile to just about every other natural race in Azeroth as well. Satyrs are immortal.[24]


From the Monster Guide.

Satyrs possess little culture. Their society is loosely hierarchical, and they are organized into groups. Each group is called a "sect". A sect of satyrs lives in the same geographical region and has a specific mission. Satyrs of different sects get along only some of the time. They live in ruins scattered throughout northern Kalimdor and Desolace; satyrs prefer places of corruption to make their homes, such as Felwood and certain areas of Darkshore. Their sects are small, usually no more than a hundred individuals. Satyrs are cruel and sadistic creatures. They enjoy tormenting other creatures, particularly intelligent ones. Satyrs patrol their territory, hoping they can find travelers they can eviscerate in the most bloody manner possible. They operate at a faster level than their former selves — while before they may have been stately and calm, they now burn with feverish energy. Their movements are swift and jagged, like predators sensing prey.[25][26]


Satyrs are organized only loosely, into a variety of sects. When the alarm sounds, all members of a sect throw themselves into battle. Like all demons, when the Legion calls, they scramble to obey.

Few creatures clash with satyrs on their own territory, however. Satyr camps are well hidden and often located in areas already dangerous, like Felwood. They are also well protected; only army divisions or powerful adventurers could hope to rampage through a satyr community. Thus, most encounters with satyr forces occur elsewhere — often on the roads and paths through the forests.

Satyrs have no sense of honor, especially concerning warfare. They do whatever is necessary to destroy their opponents, preferably causing a good deal of pain — both physical and psychological — at the same time. They prefer ambushes and scare tactics, perhaps stalking a group for several days, leaving subtle clues to their presence to make their prey more and more paranoid and fearful; then they strike. They enjoy incapacitating their enemies with nets and dark magic so they can carve them up at their leisure; they also enjoy the fear and panic they cause when they weaken and capture and bleed instead of outright kill.[27]

Few satyrs become warriors or barbarians, so they do not possess the tough, front line soldiers that other forces do. In their strongholds, they must rely on corrupted ancient protectors to serve in this capacity; but when they strike out at others, they are weak in this area. Many satyrs become rogues, and this disparity is one reason they prefer ambushes and guerilla tactics — hopefully, satyr rogues can incapacitate enemy warriors soon after combat is joined, thereby leaving them free to strike at vulnerable spellcasters and war machine crews.

Satyr rogues who distinguish themselves — or show a certain penchant for painful traps and ambushes — are called satyr tricksters. Satyr ranged support usually comes from magic. A few satyrs become necromancers or warlocks; some become dark spellcasters called soulstealers or hellcallers. Satyr rogues are fairly common. Some rogues take some training as warlocks in order to add some curses to their repertoire; these individuals are called shadowdancers. Warlocks, necromancers, hellcallers, and rogues work well together; the rogues dart in to disembowel their enemies while the spellcasters summon reinforcements, enhance their allies, hamper their enemies, and call up blasts of entropic flame.[28]


Most of the Satyr's camps, if not all of them, have no large buildings—most of them are made of small tents and a few firepits. Some encampments are built in the ruins of former Highborne settlements.

In some camps there can be found corrupted Moon Wells, sacrificial altars and wooden walls to defend themselves from outsiders. One structure that can be spotted in many Satyr camps is a strange red monument, a defiled night elf shrine of some kind. While its use is unknown, it looks like an important structure for the satyrs, since it's not uncommon to be seen.


Satyr naming practices are similar to those of their original race, but focus on their unique and corrupt natures. Their surnames often develop from their evil deeds, while some go without surnames. A few satyrs don’t change their names after their transformations.[25]

  • Male Names: Zalan, Delmanis, Makron, Zevrim.
  • Female Names: Akhzor, Marigore, Nektis, Zydaxxis
  • Tribe Names: Banebreath, Darkthought, Thornhoof, Vileclaw[25]


Satyrs speak Eredun, and whatever was the primary language of the satyr's former life. Darnassian, Low Common, Goblin, Orcish, and Thalassian are often secondary languages (unless one of these was the satyr's primary language in his former life then it remains one of their primary languages). Satyrs pick up the languages of their enemies and those creatures who they might find useful.[29]


Знак вопроса - средний.png

Demons are said to be reborn in the Twisting Nether and return upon death.[30] Satyr are described as immortal demons[15] and are classified as such in the game, but none of the killed named satyr have returned yet. It could be thus speculated that satyrs are not true demons or that they are just an exception to the rebirth.

  • Terestian Illhoof died twice in the tower of Karazhan so it is possible that he was reborn in the Nether but it is also worth a note that Karazhan is a cursed place and the spirits that lurk there seem to be bound there as stated by Dougan. If he was reborn in the Nether, it means that he returned to the exact place where he previously died.


In Greek mythology, Satyrs were woodland spirits who occasionally accompanied Dionysos on his exploits. Unlike the Warcraft satyr, who are devious and evil, these Satyrs were simply wild. The Satyrs could representations of the animal that lay barely chained within the male gender. Alternatively, they were a metaphor for no responsibility and freedom; either way, they were classified as Dionysian (chaotic), and Hesiod simply uses the term "Satyr" to mean "male follower of Dionysus" (the opposite number of the Maenads). They were typically portrayed in Greek and Roman art with erections. The Romans compared the Satyrs to the Faunus, a carefree and benevolent woodland sprite; for that reason, Satyrs are often portrayed with goatish features. In typical modern fantasy, a Faun is a human with the legs and horns of a goat (the Roman Satyr), while a Satyr has elements of goat anatomy all over.

